Consent 101

Defining consent in both platonic and romantic scenarios


Print enough copies of YO Consent 101 Handout for everyone to have one.

Familiarize yourself with the content before the group meeting and think about useful guiding questions, examples, or role playing situations that can be illustrative.

See some examples below for inspiration! Share ones you create with us by emailing them to!


  • Define all 5 elements of consent: Affirmative, Enthusiastic, Explicit, Ongoing, and Sober

  • Engage youth in discussion of examples of non-sexual consent

  • Engage youth in discussion of examples of sexual consent



  • What is an example of a coerced yes? (example: “If you REALLY love me, you will do ___ for me”)

  • What’s something we might ask our friends for consent for? (example: hugs, photos)

  • What’s something we might ask our crush consent for? (example: dates, cuddling, kissing, oral sex)

  • What happens if someone changes their mind after consenting to something?

  • How do we respond if someone says no? What if they don’t say anything?




Setting: Kai and Erin are watching a movie together.

Graphic with example of consent check ins: Kai asks “Can I put my arm around you?” Aerin responds, “Yes, please!”
Graphic of consent check in 20 minutes after initial check in. Kai asks, “Are you still comfortable?” Aerin responds, “Thanks for checking in! I’m actually feeling a little warm, can you move your arm for a few minutes?” Kai says, “Of course!”

The 5 Elements of Consent


Only “Yes” means yes and a coerced yes, isn’t a yes


Such as “Yes!” “Heck Yeah!” “Yes, Please!” “Oh Yes!” “Yes I like that!”
A hesitant yes, such as “well, ok,” or “I guess if you want to” isn’t enthusiastic and therefore not consensual. Remember to keep tone of voice and body language in mind. Make sure their tone and body language is enthusiastic too.


Specific, such as “Can I _____ with your _____.”


Continuous checking in with your partner or friends to make sure they are still comfortable with whatever you may be doing.


No drugs, alcohol or sleeping medication has been consumed.

If one person is impaired, they are unable to give consent of any kind.