Reagan's Reflection

Being a Youth OUTright fellow has undoubtedly been a transformative experience for me. I am so grateful to have found this opportunity in such a pivotal time in my life. Through Y.O. I found a supportive and kind community that cultivates space for me to dive into new passions, embrace old ones, and explore my place in the broader Queer and Trans community.

I began working with Youth OUTright only a few months after moving to the Asheville area. Quickly I found a place for myself in this new city by working alongside incredible coworkers and compassionate young people. Prior to my fellowship I had worked with youth, but not to the same degree. In the past I worked as a volunteer under various organizations and followed their programmatic practices with little ability to make them my own. However, as a Fellow I was given the opportunity to develop and embrace my leadership skills to create facilitations and assist in the organizing of programs to cultivate conversations that directly responded to the needs of the young people I was serving. Having a more hands-on role in the organization I was part of was such an impactful experience for me. I felt valued–like I was making a greater difference in the lives of the youth I was working with. 

Through being in community with the Queer and Trans youth that are involved with Youth OUTright I was able to see how much our programs can make a difference. Some participants of Y,O. left with a new friend while others saw what could be possible for them past the age of 18 when at times they couldn’t fathom it. Some found a new role model, and others learned about a new label they want to try on. Watching young people learn more about themselves as a young person is a beautiful thing. I am their leader in some ways, yet in others, I learn from them like a peer. This dynamic makes me hopeful for the future of Queer and Trans people everywhere. Not only through peer-to-peer dynamics and the valuable connections that come from these interactions but also through the intergenerational opportunities that YO creates. Queer and Trans joy is possible, and it is everywhere. Youth OUTright’s programs are living proof. 

Not only was I able to dive deeper into my own identities and roles within Youth OUTright’s inner community and the broader Queer and Trans community beyond, but I was also able to challenge my own belief systems and the ways in which they show up in my daily life. Through my experience in Y.O., I have unpacked my understanding of Gender Justice and Racial Justice and broadened my understanding of what it means to me. I was even given the opportunity to directly contribute to the development of the organization’s new statements regarding these frameworks. As a young person, that is incredibly empowering. 

My Fellowship at Youth OUTright has changed me in ways that I don’t even know. I will always feel part of the community, even when there are new Fellows taking the reins. I am beyond thankful for my coworkers and the invaluable expertise they have bestowed upon me, the experiences I didn’t know were out there waiting for me, and the incredible connections I developed to a vast community of beautiful people. 

Thank you,

Reagan Petto (they/them)
Youth Fellow 

Youth OUTright